Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Frosty Factors & GIVEAWAY!

Whoah!  This girl has REALLY been on a summer HIATUS from the teacher blogging world!  My bestie and I were just chatting about how guilty we feel for not getting more accomplished this summer. then we stopped to remind ourselves that we work all year to have this time for R&R!   It really has been nice to get to do some fun, relaxing things with friends and family and recharge my battery a bit.  And there’s STILL some summer left, right?  I figure it’s time to pace myself a bit and chip away at fun school stuff! J

I’ve started thinking about math centers this year and how to tweak my structure a bit.  One thing I know for sure is that I want to have a LOT of math games ready that can be pulled out a moment’s notice to work on different skills.  This year my new classroom has AWESOME storage, and I plan on filling a bunch of those cubbies up with math games and centers!

I kinda got on an ice cream roll with my last project, IceCream EquationsI had so much fun with it that I took it a step further with this multiplication activity, Frosty Factors!  In my school district, third graders this year are going to start working on multiplication facts from the start of school (yes!).  I’m excited to plug this game into my centers to help my kiddos practice those facts!

It's a fun card game where kiddos race to find factor "scoops" that make the product shown on their "cone" cards.  The first player to scoop up 10 product wins!  There's a set of directions included for play, as well as several variations for struggling and more advanced learners!

I just posted this activity in my TPT store, and welcome any feedback!  As a matter of fact, I’m giving away Frosty Factors to one lucky reader!  Be my next blog follower, and I’ll send you a FREE copy!  Pretty sweet!

Stay FROSTY in this extreme summer heat!



  1. Love to have this.Im following your blog.

  2. Hi Tracy,
    You got it! Just sent that to you. Thanks so much for following my blog!

  3. Thanks to all of my new blog followers! :) We had THREE winners of Frosty Factors--a tie between Bret, Lynn and Tracy! Thanks and enjoy!
