Friday, August 17, 2012

Behavior Chart FREEBIE

Classroom management is such a huge part of teaching.  Red, green and yellow card systems… point system….token jars…. They’re all great strategies and work really well for most children.

But there’s usually at least one child that needs just a little bit more.  Some kids need more behavior feedback, more coaching, and more positives through the day to do their best.  I had a first grader a few years ago that used this Smiley Chart with great results.  It’s easy to use—simply track the number of prompts needed during a time frame and record the corresponding smiley face from the bottom key.  This is great for self-monitoring too, as students can discuss with you how they did or even track their behavior as well.   Parents like the feedback, and this can go home in the take-home folder each day.  

Hope that you find it helpful—or maybe you won’t even have any students with behavior needs this school year? J   Maybe…   Click HERE for this freebie and enjoy!

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